Different Ways To Drink Vodka . How To Drink Vodka

 Ways To Drink Vodka 

Vodka is an alcoholic beverages made of different ways and drinked in different ways also. 

Here are some ways you can drink vodka at home and at bar also. 

1) Shots

The most famous way of drinking vodka is vodka shots . This way is most famous is Russia , people over there like to drink vodka by vodka shots.
For drinking vodka shots you will be needing shots glasses and lemon and salt on the side.

2) On the Rocks

This way is same as the vodka shots but the only difference is vodka is poured in the glass filled with the ice. 

3) With juice 

Vodka taste different with the juice . This is an amazing combination . 
Pour 30-60ml of vodka in glass filled with ice then put the juice(orange juice ) in the glass and enjoy your drink. 

4) Cocktails 

Vodka is used in different cocktails all over the world. 
Vodka is gernally used in Long Iceland iced tea , vodkatini etc. 

5) Straight from the ice 

In this way vodka is taken from the freezing freezer and then put it straight into the glass and then take the shots . 
