Top 5 Restaurants Of Year 2021 | Best Restaurants Around The World.

 Top 5 Restaurants Of Year 2021

Here is the list of the Best restaurants around the world. 

This list depends on the taste of different individuals and the list is unbiased.

If you are in some of this cities or countries , please do check out these restaurants .

1. Mirazur 

Place :- Menton , France 

Theme :- Cycle of Nature . Food which is related to nature. 

2. Noma 

Place :- Copenhagen , Denmark 

Theme :- Nordic Modern Cookery theme.

3. Asador Extabarri 

Place :- Axpe , Spain 

Theme :- Based on natural flavour 

4. Gaggan 

Place:- Bangkok , Thailand

Theme :- Thai 

5. Central 

Place :- Lema , peru 

Theme :- Land , sea and Mountain 
