Old Monk
Old monk is an alcoholic beverage (Rum) with the alcohol presence in it and orignated in India.
Old monk is a rum made up as the process of Rum . Like most of the rum made up of sugar mollases .
Old monk contains 42.8% ABV . It is dark maroon in the color
, Introduced in 1855 in India .
It is the most famous dark rum of the India and comes at the affordable price also.
Some Variants Of old Monk
1) old monk supreme rum
2) old monk gold reserve Rum
3) old monk extra special XXX Rum
4) old monk delux XXX Rum
5) old monk white Rum
Relationship with Monk
There is no such relationship of this beverage with monks.
Monks doesn't drink it and neither do they promote it.
How To Drink Old Monk
Old monk is gernally drinked in the season of winter as it is hot in nature .
Thus this is drinked with Hot water .
With Hot water it's taste gets elivated.
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